Getting Started with WebSynchro

WebSynchro is a desktop application that allows you, as an Oodrive Work_share or Oodrive Work user, to synchronize sensitive data between your computer and your online workspace. It makes collaboration easier by allowing you to share sensitive files and folders directly from your computer's file explorer.

Automatic synchronization Immediate access Sharing and collaboration
  • Once enabled, synchronization is performed automatically each time you modify, add, or delete a file in the synchronized folder, whether locally or online.

  • All synchronized data is available immediately on both your Oodrive online workspace and your computer.

    You can then share folders and files with other users, or simply access them offline or remotely.

  • Share data from your computer to all Oodrive contacts, directly from the file explorer, without using an internet browser.

Required components

WebSynchro requires the following components to run:

  • Microsoft .NET: v4.7.2 or higher

  • WebView 2: v90.0.818.66 or higher

If the installer is unable to detect these components on the user’s computer, it will download and install them during the process. This action may require escalated “Administrator” permissions and a restart of the computer.

Please note that if the computer is not connected to the Internet when these components are downloaded, the installation will fail.

If you want to deploy WebSynchro using a centralized deployment tool, please ensure that the required components listed above have already been deployed.

Operating systems


Oodrive desktop software is only supported by versions of Windows covered by Microsoft Standard Support.


Oodrive desktop software is only supported by the two most recent versions of the macOS operating system.

Web browsers

WebSynchro is compatible with the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Google Chrome

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Internet Explorer 11

  • Safari

Using WebSynchro with Chrome, Firefox or Edge requires no additional proxy configuration. The port used to communicate with these browsers is 19488.

For Internet Explorer and Safari, the WebSocket used is a secure server listening on port 19487. Because the Oodrive Work web application loads in HTTPS, Internet Explorer and Safari require that any connection made via the JavaScript code of the web page also uses a secure protocol. As a result, the WebSocket connection must also be secure, even though this is a local connection (since WebSynchro runs on the same computer as the browser).

Office suite

WebSynchro is compatible with:

  • Microsoft Office 365

  • Microsoft Office Professional: 2013 or higher

Download and install WebSynchro

  1. Go to your collaborative application.

  2. Click your profile in the upper-right corner of the screen and select Applications.

  3. Go to the WebSynchro section, then download the application for Windows or Mac.

  4. In the window that appears, copy the Configuration code to fill in during installation.

  5. Go to your Downloads folder and double-click the WebSynchro-xxx.exe installer.

  6. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.

Log in to your workspace


To use the WebSynchro desktop application, you must have a user or contact account with access to the Oodrive Work_share or Oodrive Work solution. When starting the application, authentication with your Oodrive credentials is necessary.

Depending on the authentication method your organization has chosen, you can log in:

  • using your Oodrive login credentials

  • using your company login credentials

Log in with your Oodrive login credentials

  1. Click Log in to access the login page.

    Please note

    If the Oodrive login field is not displayed, click Log in using your login credentials to access it.

  2. Enter your username and click Next.

  3. Enter the password you have just specified, then click Log in.


    After 5 failed login attempts, a security code will automatically be sent via email. This code will be required in addition to your password.

    If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password?

    If two-factor authentication has already been configured on your workspace, you will also be asked to enter the code received on your mobile device.

  4. Next, you will access your WebSynchro application, where you can add and manage your synchronizations and make shares with your colleagues.

Log in with your company login credentials

  1. Click the Log in using SSO button.

    If the button is not available, click Log in using your company's single sign-on (SSO)

  2. Enter your company login credentials and click Log in.

    If you have forgotten the password associated with your company username, please contact your company’s IT administrator.

    If two-factor authentication has already been configured on your workspace, you will also be asked to enter the code received on your mobile device.

  3. Next, you will access your WebSynchro application, where you can add and manage your synchronizations and make shares with your colleagues.

Configure the default synchronization folder

When you first log in to WebSynchro, you can set a default synchronization folder on your computer.

This step makes it easier to set up your first synchronization. It is not required.

  1. When you first log in, click Browse to choose a default synchronization folder, and rename it if necessary.

  2. Click Yes to confirm your selection. A folder with the same name is created at the root of your online workspace.